
Sunday, January 4, 2015

2015: The Year of Intentions and Manifestations

For the past four years, I've done away with Resolutions.  They don't work.  It's very easy to make a resolution - to make a statement about what you want to do - but as many people know, it's quite another to stick with the process and to see it all the way through.  

That's why four years ago, I resolved to do away with resolutions and instead invite in themes for the entire year.   I wrote about my themes in my New Year's blog from last year which you can read here.  

Each year, in addition to creating a "theme" for my entire year, I also write out goals. Last year, I wrote out 20 attainable goals in the front of my journal.  I recently looked back at them and guess what?  I only fully completed one of them. Sure, I made progress on a bunch more but I got to thinking, "How can I make sure I actually attain my goals?"

In 2014 I turned inward a lot.  I was a homebody. I listened to loads of meditations, read tons of articles about how to dream big and how to go about chasing those dreams.  The theme of setting intentions and allowing those intentions to manifest came up pretty frequently.  I started writing my dreams over and over in different ways: in the present moment,  in attainable little steps, by trying to use my senses and understand my feelings about what I wanted.  As Eve Agee mentions, "Writing down how we feel will manifest what we want even quicker because our feelings activate the "Law of Attraction" and become a mighty force in our creation process."  

I happened across webinars for year-long intentions, 90-day intentions and weekly intentions and how much this has helped the leaders I've been listening to and studying get focused on their business/relationship/health, etc.  What was really powerful, however, was looking back at 2014 and being grateful - grateful for all of the people that came into my life, the natural power of essential oils that began to heal me, time spent with family and friends, becoming a yoga teacher, launching different parts of my business, and so much more.  It made me realize that although not all of my 20 goals at the beginning of my journal were completely met, that we always have to leave room for surprises.  In fact, part of the webinar I took part in regarding 90-day intentions instructed that after you set your intentions by first desiring them, then writing them down - you must let them go.  Let your mind become clear and open to receive anything that may come your way.  

I decided to look up the definition of resolution to remind myself of the actual meaning of the word and to confirm that what I was doing with intentions made any sense. 

plural noun: resolutions
  1. 1.
    a firm decision to do or not to do something.
    "she kept her resolution not to see Anne any more"
  2. 2.
    the action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter.

It sounds so definitive, doesn't it? Moreover, the example that is used is a negative one and actually creates anger in me when I read it.  The first definition suggests that I make a decision now and the second that there is already some sort of controversial dispute happening. 

Then, intention: 

  1. 1.
    a thing intended; an aim or plan.
    "she was full of good intentions"
  3. 2.
    the healing process of a wound.

Ahhhhhhh.  Now this seems more like it.  I have an aim and a plan, and the example is much more positive in nature.  As I write, I am already relaxing more and a smile is forming on my face.  What's more interesting is the second definition, which is new to me - that it is also a healing process.  This makes me feel better about my intentions already. 

So perhaps you are still working on your goals for the year.  Maybe this post will inspire you to create intentions for the first time.   In reviewing all I learned from last year, I've realized my goals need to be reviewed constantly; they might change, and smaller goals and intentions should be made along the way if I truly want to attain them and it's a good way to hold myself accountable. 

In 2012 I Expressed Myself Radically.  In 2013 I tried to Connect, Collaborate and Create.  2014 was all about Giving and Gratitude. In 2015 I will create Intentions that turn into Manifestations. 

Remember: "You are never given a Dream without also the Power to make it come true." Richard Bach

Happy New Year. 
Om Namah

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