Today I was blessed to wake up to texts and calls from people I love. And it's for them - to everyone in my life, to everyone reading this blog and to everyone I meet - that I am grateful.
As my 31st day on Planet Earth approached, I sincerely felt the need to give. I'm getting together with a few girlfriends this weekend and I am, like, giddy to cook for them....and maybe give them a few treats. :)
I received a gift of yoga today in the form of a gift certificate from a family member. I was so ecstatic but it wasn't a feeling of success as if to say, "Yes - I got what I wanted." I literally had zero expectations coming into this day and have been so busy I almost forgot what day it was. My reaction was instead a warm feeling in my heart - literally as if it melted a little bit - thanks to an unexpected good deed somone had done for me. Grateful.
I was almost late for work (again) this morning because my boss is going to Italy for the next two weeks (jealous!) and I wouldn't let myself leave the house before finding my audio italian CD for her. I'm so happy for her! She's popping her Italy cherry! I couldn't wait to share every italian book I own and try to teach her daily phrases before her trip. She's been a blessing in my life and I'm grateful for her and glad I can help and contribute to her trip.
Today I'm going to go visit my Grammie at the home where she's living. I'll stop and get her some flowers and even have a card for her. She deserves it.
My Gram and her birthday monkey. |
I am so grateful for Elvis. |
So THANK YOU for reading this; for those who have crossed my path; for being in my life; for conflicts that have taught me and made me stronger; for being my gift.
I didn't have the foresight or creativity to do what Lucas did in Australia, but maybe I'll save that for my 32nd.
1) Your brother's birth day actually brought a bolt of lightning, it hit our house and the TV exploded. The lesson? He's quite awesome and that's much better than some light coming to earth. We're talking freaking LIGHTNING and FIRE.
Everyone forgets their birthday from time to time